ypeCannotBeVoid"8PropertyWithMoreThanOneMatch#QueueEmpty[#8QuotedExpressionMustBeLambdai#(ReducedNotCompatible#6ReducibleMustOverrideReduce#6ReferenceEqualityNotDefined$(RethrowRequiresCatchF$,SameKeyExistsInExpando}$"SetterHasNoParams$ SetterMustBeVoid$*StartEndMustBeOrdered%hSwitchValueTypeDoesNotMatchComparisonMethodParameter'%dTestValueTypeDoesNotMatchComparisonMethodParameter%UserDefinedOperatorMustBeStatic+@UserDefinedOperatorMustNotBeVoid+,VariableMustNotBeByRef,(Accessor indexes cannot be passed ByRef.(Accessor method should not have VarArgs.=All case bodies and the default body must have the same type.(All test values must have the same type.%Cannot jump to ambiguous label '{0}'.@More than one key matching '{0}' was found in the ExpandoObject.>Argument count must be greater than number of named arguments.$Argument type cannot be System.Void.No coercion operator is defined between types '{0}' and '{1}'.?Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.Collection is read-only.GControl cannot enter an expression--only statements can be jumped into.!Control cannot enter a try block.#Control cannot leave a filter test.%Control cannot leave a finally block.NConversion is not supported for arithmetic types without operator overloading.Count must be non-negative.ADefault body must be supplied if case bodies are not System.Void.^Found duplicate parameter '{0}'. Each ParameterExpression in the list must be a unique object.The result type '{0}' of the dynamic binding produced by binder '{1}' is not compatible with the result type '{2}' expected by the call site.}The result of the dynamic binding produced by the object with type '{0}' for the binder '{1}' needs at least one restriction.The result type '{0}' of the dynamic binding produced by the object with type '{1}' for the binder '{2}' is not compatible with the result type '{3}' expected by the call site.]Parameter '{0}' of element initializer method '{1}' must not be a pass by reference parameter.Element initializer method must be named 'Add'5Element initializer method must be an instance method9Element initializer method must have at least 1 parameter;Enumeration has either not started or has already finished.CThe user-defined equality method '{0}' must return a boolean value.Expression must be readableExpression must be writeableOAn expression of type '{0}' cannot be used to initialize an array of type '{1}'DExpression of type '{0}' cannot be used for assignment to type '{1}'OExpression of type '{0}' cannot be used for constructor parameter of type '{1}'?Expression of type '{0}' cannot be used for label of type '{1}'SExpression of type '{0}' cannot be used for parameter of type '{1}' of method '{2}'CExpression of type '{0}' cannot be used for parameter of type '{1}'=Expression of type '{0}' cannot be used for return type '{1}'*Expression of type '{0}' cannot be invoked.Extension node must override the property {0}.#Extension should have been reduced.2fault cannot be used with catch or finally clauses-Field '{0}.{1}' is not defined for type '{2}')Field '{0}' is not defined for type '{1}'+First argument of delegate must be CallSiteNo generic method '{0}' on type '{1}' is compatible with the supplied type arguments and arguments. No type arguments should be provided if the method is non-generic. ADynamic operations can only be performed in homogenous AppDomain.DCannot create instance of {0} because it contains generic parameters4Incorrect number of arguments for the given members -Incorrect number of arguments for constructorIncorrect number of indexesIncorrect number of parameters supplied for lambda declaration+Incorrect number of members for constructor?Incorrect number of arguments supplied for call to method '{0}'VAn incorrect number of type args were specified for the declaration of an Action type.SAn incorrect number of type args were specified for the declaration of a Func type.XThe type used in TypeAs Expression must be of reference or nullable type, {0} is neither4Indexing parameters of getter and setter must match.PMethod '{0}' declared on type '{1}' cannot be called with instance of type '{2}'2Instance field '{0}' is not defined for type '{1}'5Instance property '{0}' is